100 Princes of Dream Kingdom Wikia
Name: Haldine (ハルディーン)
Attribute: Passion icon Passion
Country: Country of Tea, Teisha
Policy: Free and uncontrolled
Favorite Things: Grassland and assam tea that

has attracted to a lot of sunshine

Dislike Things: Troublesome things
Voiced by: Ishikawa Kaito (石川界人)

"And then, Sugar is also, think Hull is okay. (それと、シュガーもオレのこと、 ハルでいいから)"

About this character[]

Haldine is a first prince of Teisha, Country of Tea. He has no interest in throne or political, he lives freely unrestrained which makes the king to be bothered about it. He is sociable and love to talk, not hesitating to ask about personal area of others. He gives nicknames to his favorite companion.

Sample Voice[]

Voice Japanese English
"あはは、シュガーはオレと遊びたいのか?" "Ahaha, Sugar wants to play with me?"


Rarity ★★★★★
Cost 14
Max level 60
Health Initial:501

Max level:924

Attack Initial:402

Max level:402

Recovery Initial:389

Max level:567

Sell off 5,000 (Level 1)

100 ring pieces



Normal Milky Sword

Destroys right pieces (Maximum)/ (65 pieces to active)

Leader Selfish Nap

Red attribute attack increases by 50%

How to Acquire[]

Haldine Sun Route
Haldine Sun Route
Rarity: ★★★★★★
Cost: 20
Max level: 90
Health: Initial:832

Max level:1026

Attack: Initial:653

Max level:887

Recovery: Initial:539

Max level:630

Sell for: 225,250 gold (Level 1)

100 ring pieces

Haldine Moon Route
Haldine Moon Route
Rarity: ★★★★★★
Cost: 20
Max level: 70
Health: Initial:832

Max level:989

Attack: Initial:653

Max level:839

Recovery: Initial:539

Max level:692

Sell for: 225,250 gold (Level 1)

100 ring pieces



Sun Route[]

2 Gold Grimoires
1 Fairy Queen
2 Fairy Princesses (Passion)
1 Fairy Lady (Passion)
2 Sun Fairy (Passion)
500,000 Gold

Moon Route[]

2 Gold Grimoires
1 Fairy Queen
2 Fairy Princesses (Passion)
1 Fairy Lady (Passion)
2 Moon Fairies (Passion)
500,000 Gold


Sun Route[]

Normal Sugar Slash

Destroys right pieces (Maximum)/ (65 pieces to active)

Leader Gentle Afternoon

Red attribute attack increases by 50% and /HP increases by 10%

Moon Route[]

Normal Chai Stroke

Destroys right pieces and adds bomb (Maximum)/ (65 pieces to active)

Leader Free Tripper

Red attribute attack increases by 65%


(Feelings of Sword and Shield) Haldine[]

(Feelings of Sword and Shield) Haldine
